Custom inventory

Learn how to add a custom inventory to the Weapon Mod Workbench resource.

If you use a custom inventory and want to add it to the Weapon Mod Workbench resource, you can do so by following these steps:

Right now these inventories are supported:

If you want other inventories to be supported, please request it to our support.

Adding a custom inventory

  1. Navigate to your framework's server.lua, which you can find inside the resources/[your-framework] folder.
  2. Add or uncomment the following code:
    inventory = useInventory('custom_inventory', { framework = 'your_framework' }),
  3. Replace custom_inventory with the name of your custom inventory.
  4. Replace your_framework with the name of your framework.


inventory = useInventory('ox_inventory', { framework = 'esx' }),