
Learn how to configure the Weapon Mod Workbench resource.

Change framework

  1. Navigate to config.lua inside the resource folder, and look for

    Framework 'ESX'
  2. Change the ESX to your desired framework. The supported frameworks are:

    • ESX
    • QBCore
    • Standalone

    To add a custom framework, you can learn how to create a custom framework here.

  3. Save the file and restart the resource.

Change translation

  1. Navigate to config.lua inside the resource folder, and look for
    Translation 'en-US'
  2. Change the en-US to your desired language. You can find the list of supported languages inside the translations folder. To add a new language, you can copy the en-US.lua file and change the en-US to your desired language code.
  3. Save the file and restart the resource.

Change bench options

  1. Navigate to config.lua inside the resource folder, and look for
    BenchOptions {
        allowMultipleUsers = false,
        isInvincible = false,
  2. Change the options as you like. The options are:
    • allowMultipleUsers - Allow multiple users to use the bench at the same time.
    • isInvincible - Make the player invincible while using the bench (works only if allowMultipleUsers is false)
  3. Save the file and restart the resource.

More options

  1. Navigate the client.lua inside your framework, which is inside the frameworks folder.
  2. Look for this code:
    benchOptions = {
        useCurrentWeapon = true,
        showAllWeapons = false,
        manualApplyMods = true,
  3. Change the options as you like. The options are:
    • useCurrentWeapon - Use the current weapon in the player's hand to modify, or show all weapons the player has.
    • showAllWeapons - Show all weapons in the bench menu, even if the player doesn't have them.
    • manualApplyMods - Manually apply the modifications to the weapon.
  4. Save the file and restart the resource.

Change bench type

  1. Navigate the server.lua inside your framework, which is inside the frameworks folder.
  2. Look for this code:
    benchOptions = {
        type = BenchTypes.ITEM, -- BenchTypes.ITEM | BenchTypes.PURCHASE
  3. Change the type to your desired bench type. The supported bench types are:
    • BenchTypes.ITEM - Use items to modify weapons.
    • BenchTypes.PURCHASE - Pay money to modify weapons.
  4. Save the file and restart the resource.