
Learn how to customize Store System.

How to add stores?

  1. Navigate to config.lua inside the resource folder.
  2. Insert this code into the Config.Stores table:
    name = 'test',
    title = 'Test Title',
    logo = '',
    colors = {
        bg = 'rgba(100, 100, 100, .3)',
        bgGradient = 'rgba(4, 180, 71, 0.2)',
        primary = 'rgb(4, 180, 7)',
        text = '#fff',
        colorCode = '~g~'
    categories = {
            title = 'Test Category',
            products = {
                { label = 'Test Product', name = 'test_product', price = 0, image = '' },
    blip = {
        sprite = 59,
        scale = 0.8,
        color = 2
    ped = {
        model = `mp_m_shopkeep_01`,
        animation = {
            dict = 'anim@mp_corona_idles@male_d@idle_a',
            anim = 'idle_a'
    locations = {
        vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)
    name = 'test',
    title = 'Test Title',
    logo = '',
    colors = {
        bg = 'rgba(100, 100, 100, .3)',
        bgGradient = 'rgba(4, 180, 71, 0.2)',
        primary = 'rgb(4, 180, 7)',
        text = '#fff',
        colorCode = '~g~'
    categories = {
            title = 'Test Category',
            products = {
                { label = 'Test Product', name = 'test_product', price = 0, image = '' },
    blip = {
        sprite = 59,
        scale = 0.8,
        color = 2
    ped = {
        model = `mp_m_shopkeep_01`,
        animation = {
            dict = 'anim@mp_corona_idles@male_d@idle_a',
            anim = 'idle_a'
    locations = {
        vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)