
Learn how to configure the resource for your server.

Changing the Framework

  1. Open config.lua located in the resource folder.
  2. Locate Config.esxVersion and set the value to Latest or Legacy depending on what ESX version you are using.
  3. Save the file and restart the resource.

Adding new boss menus

  1. Open config.lua located in the resource folder.
  2. Locate Config.bossMenus and add the following code:
            job = 'ambulance', -- Job name
            coords = vector3(263.95, -1357.5, 24.53) -- Boss menu location
  3. Save the file and restart the resource.

Translate the Resource

  1. Open config.lua located in the resource folder.
  2. Locate Config.translation and translate the strings to your desired language.
  3. Save the file and restart the resource.

Enabling Invoice System

The Boss Menu is compatible with our Billing Script. To enable the invoice system, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Billing Script on your server.
  2. Open config.lua located in the resource folder.
  3. Locate Config.enableInvoices and set the value to true.
  4. Save the file and restart the resource.

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